Upload the images you want to share to ImageShield's secure server, then share them with confidence to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via text message or email, or anywhere else online.
Share your images with the peace of mind that ImageShield is on the case, monitoring the online world 24/7 for possible abuse or theft.
Simply upload your photo to ImageShield's secure server, then choose where you want to share it. That's it! ImageShield does the rest, protecting your photo, monitoring where and how it's used, and reporting to you what we've found.
More than 2.5 billion images are stolen, altered, or otherwise abused every day.
Scammers can use your photos to steal your identity and wreck your credit.
Content creators lose more than $500 for every image stolen or used without their permission.
In one instance alone, more than 100,000 women around the world had photos taken from their social media accounts and turned into nude photos by a "nudie bot."
The alteration or abuse of one of your photographs could ruin your reputation, damage your relationships, even wreck your finances.
Older adults are especially vulnerable online. Predators use their shared photographs to scam their friends and family.
For most users, ImageShield will be absolutely free. Unlimited sharing of photos featuring the ImageShield watermark, + your first 5 unwatermarked photos. If you want to share more unwatermarked images you can get more Shield Credits with a low-cost option.
ImageShield will help you protect and monitor your images on all of the major platforms. Every social media network and web platform is different, so ImageShield will help you choose the best way to protect your photos on each one.
Realtime alerts when ImageShield finds that one of your photos has been used by someone. Then you can decide whether their use is acceptable, and take appropriate action if it isn't.
As soon as you share a photo via ImageShield on email, text message, Facebook, Instagram, or any place else online, ImageShield will begin to monitor the online world 24/7 to find possible theft or abuse of that photo.
Our easy-to-use dashboard will let you upload photos, manage sharing, and view and act on reports on how your photos have been used.
Add our watermark to your photos for increased protection - and every watermarked image you share is free!
Choose your protection level, and share to Facebook, Instagram, by email or text message, or anywhere!
ImageShield allows you to protect and monitor an unlimited number of photos when they feature the ImageShield watermark.
Plus, earn credits for protecting unwatermarked photos when you refer friends and family.
Protect and monitor an unlimited number of photos featuring the ImageShield watermark.
Protect and monitor up to five (5) unwatermarked photos at the same time.
Earn the ability to protect even more unwatermarked images by referring ImageShield to friends and family.
Email customer service.
or $99/year
Protect and monitor an unlimited number of photos featuring the ImageShield watermark.
Protect and monitor up to 25 unwatermarked photos at the same time.
Earn the ability to protect even more unwatermarked images by referring ImageShield to friends and family.
Enhanced customer service.
Misuse of your images can damage your reputation and personal image, maybe even your livelihood. ImageShield will help you to protect your photographs and other images from use without your approval, and from alternation, deepfaking, and other forms of abuse.
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